Maggie: Did you really think that Victor would side with you over his own wife?
Alex: I'm sorry, Auntie Maggie. It's just that I believe in Bella and I wanted to fight for it. It's nothing personal.
Maggie: Nothing personal? I have had to tell you twice today to get out of that chair that no longer belongs to you. I am your boss!
Alex: I know. And I respect that.
Maggie: Do you? Because your actions say otherwise. I am the CEO of this company, and if you can't accept that, feel free to resign.

Leo: A few weeks ago you and Xander hit a homie and now you got to first base.
Gwen: You and your bloody baseball metaphors.

Maggie: Bella has been struggling for some time. If we shutter it now, Titan can write it off on our taxes.
Alex: What about the staff? You're just gonna let them go with no warning?
Maggie: We'll offer them a generous severance package.
Alex: The magazine is named after Victor's daughter. You really think he's going to sign off on this?
Maggie: It doesn't matter. Victor is not CEO of this company. I am.

Sloan: We can't have you hiding your assets when I get that eight figure judgment saying that you and your tramp daughter are responsible for my mother's wrongful death.
Belle: If Chanel is a tramp, what is your father? A predator or merely a sad academic cliche?

EJ: I don't say this enough, but Johnny is right.
Johnny: You never say it, actually.

EJ: You two don't have to worry about Stefan.
Johnny: Great. [To Wendy] So... the Pub or Buddy's Burgers?
EJ: But you do have to worry about lying to me.

Stefan: You know we can have it all, you and me?
Gabi: What's six months between two captains of industry?

Li: I know I have done terrible things. But I only did it because I love her so much, more than I have ever loved anyone.
Wendy: Is that true?
Li: It is.
Wendy: I believe you.
Li: Thank you.
Wendy: Don't thank me yet. You have forced me into the position of quoting Occidental BS. 'If you love something, set it free.' You don't buy a six-month extension and then track her on her GPS!

Gabi: Your attempt at speaking Spanish hurts my ears.
Li: I thought that speaking your language would be romantic.
Gabi: First of all, I am bilingual. I speak both Spanish and English and your attempt to butcher Spanish is condescending.

Trask: Ms. Petersen. Shouldn't you be out chasing an ambulance? I think I hear one now.
Sloan: I don't hear anything. It must be the sound of one of your dog whistles.

Jack: You can run the paper, for now, any way you wish. You have that freedom just like I did. Just know that Jennifer and I spent decades building trust with the public. I would hate to see that all wasted by turning the paper into a cheap tabloid.
Leo: Oh, please. Everyone knows tabloids sell. No one was reading your stuffy old newspaper.

Maggie: Everyone says I have good instincts.
Alex: But do you have killer instincts? That's what's really needed in this business.
Maggie: How's this for killer instincts? You're fired.