Anna: Don't make fun of urns. You know how i feel about them.
Tony: I wouldn't dare. I toured Europe in one.

Brady: When this is done you'll love only one woman.
Stefan: One woman? You mean like Kristen, Chloe, Theresa...
Brady: I only had one woman at a time!
Stefan: Oh really? Brady Black with all the loves of his life draws the line at monogamy?

Brady: You may think I'm the villain now, but by the end you'll think I'm the hero.
Stefan: Hero? You? You're a selfish son of a bitch who will stop at nothing to get me out of Chloe's life.

Li: Is it really customary in a marriage to shake hands? How about a kiss?
Gabi: Ew. As if this sham of a marriage wasn't icky enough.

Nicole: Do you think Stefan could be using drugs?
EJ: Or, he could be drugging me.

EJ: Under normal circumstances, I am fine with casual sex, but I don't think that will work with us.
Nicole: Why not?
EJ: Because of our history. Being with you has awakened certain feelings within me.

Stefan: My feelings for Chloe are real, and I intend to work through them naturally.
Brady: How are you going to do that? She's not even in town.
Stefan: I could ask you the same thing. None of this would have happened if you hadn't dumped her for Kristen.

Eric: Ms. Petersen hired me as her paralegal.
Rafe: And what are your qualifications?
Eric: As a priest, you require a broad skillset.
Rafe: Like celibacy. You've failed at that.

Gabi: I know how much these shares are worth and how important money is to you. So what's the catch?
Li: There is one small thing.
Gabi: You are unbelievable! First you say this is a present for Valentine's Day and then you say there's a catch. I knew it! So what's this one small thing?
Li: Stay married to me.

Brady: That text you got from Chloe... it was me.
Stefan: This is crazy. If you wanted to talk to me, all you had to do is ask. Wait. You talked to Chloe? Is she all right?
Brady: You need to hear this. The time has come for you to get Chloe out of your head for once and for all.

EJ: Lately I've been so off, so distracted.
Nicole: Well, you did just lose your mother. Maybe it has something to do with that.
EJ: I think it has something to do with Stefan. After he learned of my betrayal, he forgave me. And even with the mistake I've made, he's been so understanding, so forgiving. I think my distraction comes from my extreme guilt.
Nicole: As someone who has made mistakes, a lot, I know it's hard to forgive yourself. But you can do it. Stefan would want you to.
EJ: I just hope the stockholders forgive me.

Brady: Didn't you hear what I just said about Chloe?
Sloan: Yes, I heard you. But unfortunately, I cannot base my defense strategy on your love life.