You know, we ended our marriage because we were too different. I was too much of a sinner and you were too much of a choir boy. But I don't know who you are anymore.


Chad: You know what your problem is, Sonny?
Sonny: No, but I'm guessing you're about to tell me.
Chad: Yeah, I am, because I am your best friend, and if your best friend can't give it to you straight, then who can?
Sonny: All right, then, enlighten me.
Chad: Your problem is, you spend too much time seeing the best in people.
Sonny: This again? Call me naive, but I happen to think that's a great attribute.

Alex: If you will allow me to make it up to you -
Stephanie: There is nothing you can do! Every time I look at you, all I see is my mother lying in that hospital room, cold and dead.

Sloan: If you're not worried about Gwen knowing, what's the point of testifying anonymously?
Leo: Sonny thinks I've changed. I can't have him knowing I was involved in something like this.

Chanel: I thought you'd be more upset about this lawsuit.
Paulina: When you have as much money as I do, frivolous lawsuits come with the territory.

Steve: I appreciate you coming to check on me, but I'm fine. Just had to make some arrangements.
Abe: Can I help you with anything?
Steve: No, I can handle it. But thanks.
Abe: Steve. I know that you know that Kayla was one of my closest friends. I was far from the only one. Your wife, she touched so many lives. And for those of us who loved her, and were loved by her, well, we want to do what would make her happy. And right now... right now, that means looking after you.

Lucas: Thanks for coming. Thanks for everything.
Rex: Of course, man. Look, take care of yourself, okay? Not just for your sake but for the sake of everyone who cares about you. Including me.
Lucas: Right.
[Rex approaches the guard.]
Rex: You tell your buddy Orpheus to stop pushing booze on my brother or I will talk to your warden and I will have you fired.
Rex [to Lucas]: Kate Roberts' kids stick together.

Kristen: How can you be so heartless and cruel?
Brady: I'm heartless? You held Marlena's life over my head for months! How is Rachel going to feel if her grandmother dies? Have you even thought about that?

Kristen: Answer me, damn it! Where is Rachel?
Brady: Rachel is fine.
Kristen: Then where is she?
Brady: I am not telling you.
Kristen: Why are you doing this, Brady?
Brady: You really gave me no choice.
Kristen: I gave you no choice? What are you talking about?
Brady: Come on, Kristen. Your devious little mind can't figure it out? I need leverage on you, so I took Rachel.

There is one thing you can do for me. Make sure I don't die in this hospital.


Rachel: I want to go home.
Eric: You can't.
Rachel: Why not?
Sloan: Yeah, why not?
Eric: Well, Mommy is sick.
Rachel: Then why can't Daddy come get me?
Eric: Well, um. Daddy is sick too.
Rachel: Yay! That means they kissed on New Years Eve. That's how germs are spread, you know.

Kristen: What do you think you're doing?
Rafe: My job.
Kristen: You know, this is ludicrous.
Li: She's right. You're really going to arrest us?
Kristen: Yeah, based solely on the recovered, perhaps fabricated memory of clearly an unstable woman. I mean, come on, look at her dress. It alone proves she's not in her right mind.