When I said we could go somewhere to talk, I didn't think... Xander, this is weird. Why am I in a cemetery?


Chanel: The fact that Sarah dumped you on your wedding day and went back to her ex should tell you she's not interested.
Xander: It turns out that wasn't her.
Chanel: What, was it the Devil?
Xander: No. It was Kristen Dimera in a Sarah mask.
Chanel: This town is beyond weird.

Lani: Chanel was so upset and scared of losing Paulina. It took everything I had in me not to tell her the truth.
Eli: Chanel is a grown woman. She has had her mother all her life. Our twins will need theirs for the next 17 years.

Chad: Kristen kidnaps my wife, and then she has the audacity to act like I'm the one who did something wrong?
EJ: And she did it with so much glee.
Chad: [to Stefano's portrait]: You happy, Father? We're doing what you wanted: tearing each other apart.

Kristen: I know who my friends are and aren't.
EJ: Gabi Hernandez is not your friend.
Kristen: And neither are you.

EJ: Kristen, why are you doing this?
Kristen: You mean besides the fact that it's fun?

Jan: You hate my baby so much that you would take it away from me just to keep me from being with Shawn?
Belle: I don't hate your baby. I hate YOU.

Chanel: A part of me wants to go running back into your arms and pretend that the last couple of months didn't happen, but they did. I can't just let go of what happened at that party and after.
Johnny: But that wasn't me. Can't we just turn back time to when we were happy and so were Allie and Tripp?
Chanel: How can we do that?
Johnny: I don't know but if you think about it, nothing's really changed.
Chanel: Except it has. The world didn't stop just because you don't remember.

Bo: Yeah, baby, I'm sure. You and this little guy are safe. It's over.
Ciara: How do you know that? Dad, how can you be sure?
Bo: Because one good man sacrificed everything to get rid of it.

Chanel: I'm a nervous wreck because of what's going on with my mom.
Johnny: I'm sorry.
Chanel: It doesn't feel real that Mama shot and killed someone, and not just anyone. Lani's biological father.
Johnny: How is she doing?
Chanel: She's putting on a brave face. She's saying everything's going to be okay. But what if she's wrong? What if they put her in prison? It's not right. She's not a dangerous criminal. She is a mother. She is MY mother.

Allie: I don't know how I could ever thank you.
Tripp: You don't have to.
Allie: You told Satan to take you instead of me. You could have died, Tripp. In fact, you DID die for a little while.
Tripp: I guess I'm a hard guy to kill.
Allie: After everything I've done to you... lying to you, cheating on you... why would you do this? Why would you sacrifice your life for mine?
Tripp: Because despite everything that happened, I can't deny how I feel about you.

Allie: Is there something you wanted to talk about?
Tripp: I wanted to ask you what I asked you before, about whether you still have feelings for Chanel. But I think I just got my answer.