Yeah, well, I'm a hot mess.


Look Jane, I don't care about the rules. Life is short. If you don't like the rules, then let's make new ones.


Hey boss, I brought you a magnetic bracelet. It's supposed to help you calm down from traumatic events like car accidents and melting down on the stand.


My home life let's see. Oh well, my best friend is being inseminated by my ex-fiancee who is also my boss, and my lawyer for the purposes of this case. And while I'm totally supportive of that arrangement, I guess it affected me in ways I couldn't foresee. My life is changing on all fronts and I have no control over any of it. So if you're asking me if I was distracted? Yes, ma'am.


Do you always remove your passengers when you don't like their clothing? Are you the fashion police?


Jane, even though I know we're not a couple, I'd be lying if I said I didn't like working together, seeing you everyday.


You're the one who's trying to break up to the firm. I thought you'd be greener, like the Grinch.

Jane [to Tuttle]

I was wrong, the egg is not in the basket. Keep the fish in the pond.


I would never kid about sex.


This is about Grayson, it's always been about Grayson, it's always gonna be about Grayson.

Teri [to Jane]

Maybe you need to open up your sex chakra.


I listened to Beyonce, I flashed a few truckers, two hours flew by.


Drop Dead Diva Season 5 Quotes

It's a turkey. Origami calms me down.

What's this? A swan, a frog, and a crane with a glandular condition? Grayson

Oh my Grayson.
