Well, Chris Martin is an underrated genius.

Dr. Holmes

Detective Edwards: Aren't you a defense attorney?
Elsbeth: Yes.
Detective Edwards: Then you know that only hard evidence holds up in court. Not gut feelings from women who wear polka dots over the age of 15.

Elsbeth: You seem so calm. If my colleague was brutally murdered down the hall, I'd be choking down something glazed or powdered.
Dr. Holmes: Well, I suppose I have a very strong constitution. When you cut into people for a living, it's pretty gruesome. If I had a weak stomach, I don't think I'd get very far.

Ooh. Look, it's the Empire State Building. Oh, I can't believe it, I love it so much. Don't tell the Chrysler Building I said that.

I think of us as friends. And I'm sure you'll do the same for me one day.

Captain Wagner

Elsbeth: I love those ball kids. They're so quiet. Feels like they could really sneak right up on you.
Cliff: Maybe you should try out next year.
Elsbeth: Oh. No, I don't think I'd be good at that. Plus, my knees.

Detective Smullen: Is there anything else that you can think of?
Cliff: Yeah, this-this doesn't have any kind of special insight. I just follow Yoyo like any other tennis player. But if you ask me, you should be looking at the Russians.
Detective Smullen: The Russians?
Cliff: Yeah, he was pretty outspoken after the invasion. I think he got under Putin's skin. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time this guy put a hit out on someone.

Detective Smullen: This is why people don't like lawyers
Elsbeth: Really? I thought it was the frivolous lawsuits and overbilling.

Cliff: I'm sorry. I didn't get your name.
Elsbeth: Oh, Eslbeth Tascioni.
Cliff: I actually have a cousin named Elsbeth.
Elsbeth: Tell her I'm sorry.

Anything can happen in those matches. You know that.


And lawyers always end up having sex on top of desks. You never see the stapler until it's too late.

You were right about the Hamptons. So pricey. But everyone here is super friendly. Until you talk to them for too long.

Elsbeth Quotes

Officer Blanke: Is Smullen expecting you?
Elsbeth: Oh, I don’t think anyone is expecting me.

Olivia: I don’t care what you say, I’m going to the Dean.
Alex: Olivia, I am not the enemy. Please don’t go to the Dean, you will have me canceled.
Olivia: Don’t put this on me. You are the one sleeping with his students.You canceled yourself.