Elsbeth: For the record, I would love to be your mother-in-law.
Officer Blanke: I'm flattered but I don't think I'm Teddy's type, am I right?
Elsbeth: No. Not only because he's gay, but based on his last boyfriends, he doesn't fall for kind or honest people.

I always prided myself on having a good gauge of people I could trust, and now I am not so sure.

Captain Wagner

Elsbeth: The guard was worried about corruption. 'Cause he knew that accepting any amount of money was wrong. That he could lose a stable job, even be on the hook for future favors.
Captain Wagner: Favors can be misinterpreted. Like how I helped your son get a new job. Someone might view you as exploiting the police force you are here to oversee.

Well, Chris Martin is an underrated genius.

Dr. Holmes

Detective Edwards: Aren't you a defense attorney?
Elsbeth: Yes.
Detective Edwards: Then you know that only hard evidence holds up in court. Not gut feelings from women who wear polka dots over the age of 15.

Elsbeth: You seem so calm. If my colleague was brutally murdered down the hall, I'd be choking down something glazed or powdered.
Dr. Holmes: Well, I suppose I have a very strong constitution. When you cut into people for a living, it's pretty gruesome. If I had a weak stomach, I don't think I'd get very far.

Ooh. Look, it's the Empire State Building. Oh, I can't believe it, I love it so much. Don't tell the Chrysler Building I said that.

I think of us as friends. And I'm sure you'll do the same for me one day.

Captain Wagner

Elsbeth: I love those ball kids. They're so quiet. Feels like they could really sneak right up on you.
Cliff: Maybe you should try out next year.
Elsbeth: Oh. No, I don't think I'd be good at that. Plus, my knees.

Detective Smullen: Is there anything else that you can think of?
Cliff: Yeah, this-this doesn't have any kind of special insight. I just follow Yoyo like any other tennis player. But if you ask me, you should be looking at the Russians.
Detective Smullen: The Russians?
Cliff: Yeah, he was pretty outspoken after the invasion. I think he got under Putin's skin. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time this guy put a hit out on someone.

Detective Smullen: This is why people don't like lawyers
Elsbeth: Really? I thought it was the frivolous lawsuits and overbilling.

Cliff: I'm sorry. I didn't get your name.
Elsbeth: Oh, Eslbeth Tascioni.
Cliff: I actually have a cousin named Elsbeth.
Elsbeth: Tell her I'm sorry.

Elsbeth Quotes

Officer Blanke: Is Smullen expecting you?
Elsbeth: Oh, I don’t think anyone is expecting me.

Olivia: I don’t care what you say, I’m going to the Dean.
Alex: Olivia, I am not the enemy. Please don’t go to the Dean, you will have me canceled.
Olivia: Don’t put this on me. You are the one sleeping with his students.You canceled yourself.