Shut up, hat, that's my brother. They're not gonna mess with him. He's the man. He's got real Griffin beef in his trousers.


Cleveland: Some things are my business. You don't tell me when you play with yourself.
Peter: If you check my Twitter feed, I wouldn't have to.

You know, this is great guys. Drinking and eating garbage. I'm glad we all took a mental health day.


Neil: Well, Chris, looks like another day of nobody joining us for lunch.
Chris: Yeah, we never should have let that blind girl touch our faces.

When I set my mind to something, anything's possible.


I've never seen a bulge in the front of a man's pants before.


Lois: Did you see that sweet new piece of ass, Dallas Portland?
Bonnie: Oh, I don't know. Why don't you ask my index and middle finger.

I ate a dime once. It became a manhole cover for like three days, then pow!


I know I'm a nerd, but I have a thing for rich guys.


Before you read that, you need to know one thing. I'm the one who's been throwing out your beige bras. Guys don't like beige bras.


Peter: Gretchen? Wow. You look great.
Gretchen: Yeah. I didn't have kids, so.

Hey, it's Stewie. All I know about cars is what my mom does.


Family Guy Season 14 Quotes

Ugggh! This tastes like Ani DiFranco after a bike ride!

Quagmire (referencing an awful Korean Taco)

Hey? You up? Guess where I have a crayon?

Stewie (seductively to a little girl at nap time in school)