Lorelai: Who the hell is that anyways?
Rory: Claudine Longet.
Lorelai: The chick who shot the skier?
Rory: (with no clue, since it was way before her time) Uh, sure, why not.
Lorelai: Wow - Renaissance woman.

Lorelai: Hey, you know the one good thing we learned from this?
Rory: What?
Lorelai: That I'm a babe.

(about Lorelai) I can't believe you set me up with that! What, was the bearded lady busy tonight or something?


Rory: Well can you make up your mind before French Class because I'd rather you didn't start making out with Mrs. Collins.
Lorelai: Hey, no promises until I see what she looks like!

Lorelai: Class is over!
Max: We're back in session.
Lorelai: Well I didn't raise my hand, so don't call on me!

Sookie: You must really like this guy.
Lorelai: When did you become a relationship expert? You haven't been in a relationship in years. (Big pause, as she realizes what she just said) Wow... zero to jackass in 3.2 seconds.

(after Emily confronts Lorelai about kissing Max at Rory's school)
Lorelai: It was a mistake.
Emily: A mistake? A mistake? Is that what you call it, a mistake?
Lorelai: Well, I tried calling it 'Al', but it would only answer to 'mistake.'

Rory: Buttercup is a special dog. She's extremely skittish and tends to react badly towards blonde haired females, brunette males, children of either sex, other animals, red clothing, cabbage or anyone in a uniform.
(Luke walks up to them.)
Lorelai: (to Luke) Hey, we just found the doggy version of you.

Lorelai: Why are you smiling like that?
Emily: What are you talking about?
Lorelai: You're smiling.
Emily: I'm happy.
Lorelai: That's not your 'I'm happy smile.'
Emily: Well, then what smile is it Lorelai?
Lorelai: It's your 'I've got something on Lorelai smile.'
Lorelai: Rory, your mother must be very tired.
Rory: She works a lot.
Lorelai: I grew up with that smile. I know that smile.
Emily: (to Rory) Tell me about school.
Rory: Well, my French final went pretty well.
Lorelai: You can change the subject. I know the smile.
Emily: Whatever you say, dear.
Lorelai: I used it a few times myself.
Rory: Mom...
Emily: (to Rory) So tell me about Parents' day.
Lorelai: What?
Emily: Parents' day. Next Wednesday. When all the parents are supposed to go to class with their children all day long.
Lorelai: The Chilton newsletter came out today!
Rory: Yep.
Lorelai: Right.
Emily: You didn't read yours?
Lorelai: Not yet.
Emily: Ah...
Lorelai: But you knew that.
Emily: Well...
Lorelai: Hence the smile.

Emily: Kissing a teacher? In a classroom? On Parents' day?
Lorelai: Well, they wanted us to get more involved with school!

(taunting Rory after telling her that she saw her mom and Mr. Medina kissing) How's the coleslaw? Good?


(with Max in his classroom, arguing about whether or not they should be together) What are we, in high school? Well I know we're in high school...


Gilmore Girls Season 1 Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
