I'm the angel that torches stuff with her laser eyes!


The armrests are the sweetest meat.


I don't know if it's all the bird talk...but I'm getting a little turned on.


Well Mama drinks her dinner these days.


I'm sorry, are you an actual writer from a real life television network?


My dream of being almost naked on a public bus is thisclose to coming true.


[to Rachel] They say you have to lose everything before you can really find yourself.

Rachel's dad

All I've ever wanted is to come home and have everyone know my name and now they do.


Rachel: You really don't want my notes. I won gold medal at the Loser Olympics.
Blaine: You can flame out as much as you want on national TV, but you're still Rachel Berry, and you are a show choir genius.

[to Rachel] You were the very best the arts had to offer. Which means the arts clearly don't have much to offer now, do they? There is no glee club at this school. There will never be a glee club at this school as long as I'm in charge. Now get the hell out of here before I sick a convicted felon on you.


[to Kurt and Rachel] You two have just entered Sue Sylvester's Thunderdome.


Rachel: I heard him. At least I think it's a him.
Kurt: Oh, let's not label or judge.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
