Next week, I'm gonna be performing a musical number by Ke$ha.


Will: Who can tell me who Christopher Cross is?
Brittany: He discovered America.

Rachel: I think you and I are more similar than you think.
Kurt: That's a terrible thing to say.

I don't know how to turn on a computer.


I have no criticisms, go with God Satan, Santana.


You're gay. You're not like Rock Hudson gay. You're really gay. You sing like Diana Ross and you dress like you own a Magic Chocolate Factory.


He's the dumbest person on the planet, and that's coming from me.


Sam: I'm Sam. Sam I am. And I don't like Green Eggs and Ham.
Santana: He has no game.

Will: Who's to say everything I do is 100% on the ball?
Sue: No one would say that.

I’ve had mono so many times I’ve turned into stereo.


Blaine Warbler, I'm gonna rock your world.


If your students wanna praise God, I suggest they enroll in Sweet Holy Mother of God Academy on St. Jesus Street.


Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
