[to Santana] I think you need to be somewhere that's as big and as hot as you are. It's okay to follow your dreams.


[to Santana] I'm not breaking up with Sam. I really like him. He makes me feel really smart and think about things, like where air comes from, and how come in every movie about Jesus he dies at the end.


You are a diva. And you have been a nightmare. But you're not a diva because you're a nightmare. You're a diva because you're talented, and ambitious, and because no one else in the world can do what you, Rachel Berry, can do. That's what being a diva's all about. Being an original. One of a kind. So hold the nightmare, but bring the diva.


Blaine: Why are you acting so pissed off?
Tina: Because I get it now. A diva doesn't settle for less than what she wants, and she won't apologize for wanting it. And I can't get that here, so next time, don't come crawling back to me. I'm all out of soup.
Blaine: That seems a little...crazy.

Santana: Look, please don't tell my mom.
Sue: Oh, I can't. I don't speak Spanish.

[to Santana] What is with you glee club ex-pats? Don't you have jobs. You have to have some source of income so you can pay the staff of scientists who service your teleporters that you all clearly on since you're constantly showing up here.


Blaine, I'm falling in love with you. And I realize that this could be a tragic, one-way thing. But even if we end up having just a sexless relationship, which many Asian girls and gay men do, it'd be worth it.


In honor of Diva week, let's just cut the crap and keep it real. Tina Cohen-Chang deserves better. I got upstaged yet again by Santana, and she doesn't even go to school here.


[to Emma] What do I have to offer a grown woman like that? I'm just a man-boy.


[to Finn] Will keeps suggesting Costa Rica, but us gingers can't be that close to the equator.


Glee Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

[to Emma] What do I have to offer a grown woman like that? I'm just a man-boy.


[to Finn] Will keeps suggesting Costa Rica, but us gingers can't be that close to the equator.


Glee Season 4 Episode 13 Music

  Song Artist
Diva Glee Cast iTunes
Don't Stop Me Now Glee Cast iTunes
Nutbush City Limits Glee Cast iTunes