Rachel: I like him, and I'm tired of second-guessing something that feels so right.
Kurt: Mmhmm. Well, as long as you're happy and I have a white noise machine, I guess I'm happy too.

Finn: I feel like we're the Fugees or something just bouncing around from available classroom to available classroom.
Coach Beiste: Wait, you mean like refugees?
Finn: Yeah.

My first week at NYADA and the most surprising thing about college is it's just like high school. It's all about the cliques. The stage combat majors are the jocks. The classical acting majors are the preps. The ballerinas are the mean girls. And if they're at the top of the social pyramid, then once again I'm at the bottom.


Sam: Do you have any lip balm I can use?
Blaine: What?
Sam: Conspiracy theories make my lips get all chapped. Come on dude, it's not weird. We're like brothers.

Millie: I wanted to say thank you for what you did for Marley and me.
Sue: I have no idea what you're talking about. I had nothing to do with the making of that film.

Beiste: Dr. Jones said the new end of world date is September 27, 2014
Brittany: That gives us like two whole years of giving love and brutal honesty to everyone we know.

Sam: Brittany, it's December 22. Do you know what this means? We survived the Mayan Apocalypse.
Brittany: We're also married.

Sam: Brittany, I've always thought you were super hot and really smart, but what I didn't know was that you were going to end up being my soul mate. Who knows what the future holds for us. Probably tsunamis and horrible sea monsters. But I'm not worried about that because I have you.
Brittany: Sam, when you first joined the glee club, I didn't notice for a while. It wasn't until you did a Rich Little impression and then told me it was a Rich Little impression and then explained who Rich Little was that I knew you were special. And I can't tell you how excited I am to become your Mayan star-wife.

Brittany: You guys, welcome to the first meeting of the 2012 Mayan Apocalypse club.
Tina: Wait, that's what this is?
Sam: Don't worry, it's also the last meeting.

Puck: Merry Hanukkah, dude.
Jake: Right back at you, bro.

Hey! One Puckerman just ate your lunch! What do you think's gonna happen when we unload two barrels of Puckshot into your ugly mugs?


[to Kurt] No matter what, no matter where, even if we're not together, we're always going to be there for each other.


Glee Season 4 Quotes

Cassie: I bet you were a big star back in...Iowa.
Rachel: I'm actually from Ohio.
Cassie: Ohio? That's even worse.

Cassie: What's your name?
Rachel: Rach...
Cassie: Little Miss David Schwimmer?
Rachel: Little Miss David Schwimmer.