In honor of Diva week, let's just cut the crap and keep it real. Tina Cohen-Chang deserves better. I got upstaged yet again by Santana, and she doesn't even go to school here.


[to Emma] What do I have to offer a grown woman like that? I'm just a man-boy.


[to Finn] Will keeps suggesting Costa Rica, but us gingers can't be that close to the equator.


Sam: If you want to make it in this world, you have to be special.
Blaine: But you are special. Even without your body.

Rachel: Oh my god! What are you doing here!
Santana: Lady Hummel called asking us to do an emergency intervention.
Rachel: On who?
Quinn: You.

[to Jake] Chicks dig hot guys who are willing to get naked for a calendar, but what they're really looking for is a guy who will get naked emotionally.


[to Finn] It's not just girls who have body issues. Sometimes guys aren't cool showing off their bodies either.


[to Rachel] I don't get it. A year ago you were all plaid skirts and 'do you think Finn likes me?' And now you're Slutty Barbie asking Misogynist Ken to move in with you and doing pornos. What happened to you?


Kurt: Rachel is a serious actress, Brody. She doesn't do nudity.
Brody: As performers, that's a question that we're all gonna have to face. If you want to win an Oscar, you have to show your boobs. Kate Winslet, Jennifer Connolly, Kathy Bates.

[to Rachel] Your boyfriend's bare ass is on one of my vintage flea market chairs.


Finn: I seem to recall a rumor about a certain cheerleading coach at this school who once took horse estrogen and posed for Penthouse back in the day. So maybe I can just track that down and make a few copies and sell those to raise money for Regionals.
Sue: That's nothing but a rumor. But if that rumor were true, my Penthouse centerfold so groundbreaking that it completely redefined the term 'hirsute,' and gave birth unto these United States a pose so limber they named it the Regal American Not-So-Bald Spread Eagle, I promise you, my friend, you would never find it.

Sue Sylvester, you can suck a hot one because you are a hypocrite.


Glee Season 4 Quotes

Cassie: I bet you were a big star back in...Iowa.
Rachel: I'm actually from Ohio.
Cassie: Ohio? That's even worse.

Cassie: What's your name?
Rachel: Rach...
Cassie: Little Miss David Schwimmer?
Rachel: Little Miss David Schwimmer.