Now that Lily's been ousted from the board it's just you and me. And as much as I like you, I think I'll like dismantling Bass Industries even more.


Rufus: I want the party moved more than anyone, but it's not worth resorting to blackmail.
Serena: Yeah. You're probably right. So. Psycho or Silence of the Lambs?
Rufus: Alright, make the call.

Chuck: Do you want me to come along? I know we've been on opposing teams for awhile, but... I've been through this. Maybe I could be helpful.
Raina: Actually, yeah. I'd appreciate that. I really hope it's my mom, Chuck.
Chuck: Me too.

Chuck: We both know you're a socialite, not a businesswoman. You traded musicians for titans of industry. Upgraded from a tour bus to a corporate jet. I'm sorry, but I had to.
Lily: I've done nothing but tried to salvage that company for you. I stepped in so Jack wouldn't take it away. And every day since I have fought for your future. If we had stuck together on this, we would have won.
Chuck: It looks like I did anyway.
Lily: No you haven't, Charles, you've lost. And I'm not talking about Thorpe.

Charlie: No no. Don't let Sarah Palin ruin it for you. Alaska is amazing.
Dan: I don't know. But between Into the Wild and that Werner Herzog movie with the grizzly, I don't think it's for me.

Nate: You realize you're the worst wingman ever.
The Captain: That may be so, but I hope you'll realize I'm trying to be a good father. I came here tonight to find Russell, say hello, and hand him my resignation.

If you'll excuse me, I have a Valentine's vendetta to exact.


Chuck: Russell's parting gift to me was a story about my father. You remember how I told you my dad was responsible for that fire in his old building?
Nate: Uh huh.
Chuck: Russell owned it too. They were partners. He says his wife was there that night. And she died in the fire.

Nate: How do you know he's even telling the truth?
Chuck: I don't. But today when that woman wasn't Raina's mother I realized how desperately I wanted her to be. So maybe I do believe it.
Nate: What are you going to do?
Chuck: Try to find out the truth.

I work at W now. I am an arbiter of taste. If I were to stand behind some lame Humphrey lamentation then it would be like showing up at an accessory shoot. In Crocs.


Blair: Humphrey. What are you doing here?
Dan: Stalking you, actually.

Go get some B-roll of the food and drink. And be discreet. We are not TMZ.


Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.