Blair: Isn't there someone else you can torture?
Chuck: Probably, but I choose you.

Hurry! There's a Bass on the loose and it's hungry. Actually, so am I.


I killed someone.


Nate: I know you're there, I can hear you breathing on the other side of the door.
Chuck: [opens door] Nathaniel!
Nate: Where's the girl?
Chuck: In my dreams. I was trying to get some shut eye. What's on your mind?
Nate: Just my mom.
Chuck: Sounds Freudian.

Lily: Rufus, what are you doing here? I thought we had security.
Rufus: You want them to throw me out?
Lily: Well I'd like the option considering how much I'm paying them.

[on Blair's ruined dress] This body bag. Corpse not pretty.


Serena: Blair?
Blair: Serena, what are you doing here? It's late. Oh my God. What's happened? What's wrong? Talk to me.
Serena: I can't.
Blair: Of course you can.
Serena: No. No, B, this is the one thing I can't tell you. I can't tell anyone.
Blair: I'm not anyone, I'm me. You can tell me anything.
Serena: No I can't. Because then that would make you a part of it. And you can't be a part of this.
Blair: What are you talking about? You're starting to scare me. Hey, hey, hey. We're sisters. You're my family. What is you, is me. There's nothing you could ever say to make me let go. I love you. What is it?

Chuck: Morning, Beautiful.
Blair: NYU is hell!
Chuck: What do you expect from a place where men wear sandals?

Chuck: You guys have been dating since kindergarten and you haven't sealed the deal.
Nate: Who says 'seal the deal?'

Ahh ... who knew the MotherChucker could also play fairy godmother. But if C just made B's dreams come true, why does it feel like our queen is standing with the wrong king?

Maureen: You can have him in private, I get him in public. He keeps his career, I keep my reputation. You get ... whatever it is you're getting. Screwed, I think they call it?
Serena: You're offering me the chance to be your husband's mistress?
Maureen: It's a time-honored political tradition. I'm Jackie. You're Marilyn.

Chuck: You're a good friend.
Nate: One of us has to be.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.