Blair: I had hoped denial would last longer as a coping mechanism, but breast tenderness and morning sickness made that impossible.
Dan: You know, you do have options.
Blair: And I've considered them all. But no matter what, this baby was conceived out of love and... I'm gonna keep it.

Um, have you not told Louis because it might be Chuck's?


Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Blair: I am about to marry a fabulous man. Who happens to be a prince. I can't be this close to having all my dreams come true only to have them yanked away by one transgression at a stranger's Bar Mitzvah.
Dan: I know it's scary, but I think you should know who the father is. If not for yourself then for the baby.

Maybe it's not blood bonds that make us a family. Perhaps it's the people that know us and love us anyway. So we can finally be ourselves. XOXO —Gossip Girl.

Good morning, Upper East Siders. Or is it? We hear a certain future royal has had more than one rude awakening this week.

Dorota: Uh oh. Mr. Chuck in dream again.
Blair: When Chuck's in them they're all nightmares.
Dorota: What he do now?
Blair: Behave like a perfect gentleman. Which makes him even more chilling. That fake apology of his has permeated my subconscious and haunts me even when I sleep.
Dorota: Apology not seem so fake to me.
Blair: That's because English is your second language!

Blair: Grab the bread. Not even Chuck's media mind games could disrupt the calm I feel off feeding the ducks. Besides, you could use the exercise.
Dorota: I'm pregnant too, remember?

Nate: Please tell me you're not just getting home from yesterday. Did you spend all night with Zarkana again or what?
Chuck: Early morning charity event meeting.
Nate: Is that what you're calling it now? Charity.

If Diana won't commit to you in public like she does in private maybe it's time to explore your options.


Rufus: People who still go to book stores are real readers. They don't care if a book's on some best-whatever list.
Dan: Yeah, it seems that way. Turn out's been great.

Charlie, Serena. Care to join us for a 2011 version of a family breakfast?


Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.