Go move in with Nate. Don't turn your back on the life that I almost screwed up for you.


Bart: I am proud of you, son. Lily told me you stepped up but I had no idea how much you'd accomplished.
Chuck: Thank you. How was seeing Lily after all this time?
Bart: I never dealt with such a formidable woman. Made me regret not treating her better.
Chuck: They require dedication.
Bart: I assume you're talking about Blair Waldorf. But you two aren't back together?
Chuck: I made a lot of mistakes after you left. I lost my temper. I lost myself. When I finally realized what I'd done and I had the ring to propose it was too late.

Chuck: What are you doing here?
Blair: I came to check on you. Gossip Girl's been putting a bunch of stuff up and I wanted to make sure that you weren't hurt—
Chuck: Why would I be hurt about something that was in your diary a year ago? We've been through so much since then. talked about everything, made amends. Or is there some other reason you're here? Maybe to tell me you and Dan broke up?
Blair: No. We haven't.
Chuck: I can't play this game anymore, Blair. I spent a whole year waiting for you. I need to move forward.
Blair: No, you're right.

Serena: Blair's dirty work can wait.
Penelope: She fired me. I'm on the way to meet everyone at Michael Jordan's Steak House for the Shepherd's divorce party.
Serena: Alright, well there's been a change of plans. You're not going to that. And neither is Blair. And you and your friends are going to see to it.
Gossip Girl: That's the problem with hired help. They'll work for anyone.

You look just as beautiful in black as you did in white.


Chuck: You didn't need to buy me a gift.
Bart: Actually you bought it. I was in Harry Winston picking up an apology trinket for Lily. Helene told me it was in the vault. I thought you might want it back.
Chuck: Why?
Bart: Well isn't Blair the most important thing in your life? Where's that last grand gesture we spoke of earlier?
Chuck: Maybe I'll just hold on to it.

I'm vulnerable. He's devastated me, but he's also made me happier than I've ever been. I just don't know which kind of love is better.


Don't you see, Dan? The Blair that you're in love with isn't the real Blair. It's the one you created in your book. And she's always loved Chuck. She just used you to get between us because she knew that I loved you.


Lily: How dare you have annulment papers drawn up behind my back.
Rufus: I tried to call you, you didn't answer. I wanted to give us a chance to work things out before Bart started causing problems.
Lily: Our problems long pre-date Bart's return. You haven't spoken to me in weeks. You've had no interest in working on our marriage until you saw this as a competition with him.

Thanks Mom. I've made my choice. I know who I need to be with. I'm on my way to tell him now.


Of course none of this would have been possible without my son, Chuck. So thank you, chuck, for keeping my seat warm. So starting today I will be the only Bass in Bass Industries.


Some secrets even I couldn't see coming. Bye bye, Baby Bass.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.