Chuck: You didn't need to buy me a gift.
Bart: Actually you bought it. I was in Harry Winston picking up an apology trinket for Lily. Helene told me it was in the vault. I thought you might want it back.
Chuck: Why?
Bart: Well isn't Blair the most important thing in your life? Where's that last grand gesture we spoke of earlier?
Chuck: Maybe I'll just hold on to it.

Blair: Seriously? You think flowers make up for the fact that you're engaged?
Louis: I'm not engaged yet. This is what I wanted to tell you. The royal court feels I should be married before taking my rightful place as Albert's heir.
Blair: What? Well that's outdated and old-fashioned and just... idiotic.
Louis: Well so is monarchy.

Whenever anybody hears the name Serena van der Woodsen, they are going to think of how she helped scam her friends and family out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Serena: You know, I don't know why I ever had a crush on you.
Julian: Serena, I'm gay.

Uh oh. Looks like someone's small Thanksgiving might just have a big problem. May the Lord make us truly thankful for what we are about to receive.

Diana: Shouldn't the boat be here by now?
Jack: I'm sure they just got delayed. They'll be here soon. By the way the fake raid was a great diversion.
Diana: Once I saw Chuck was here I knew I had to get him out as quickly as possible.
Jack: Well it worked.
Diana: Yeah. When we're done here tonight we need to discuss a renegotiation of my fee. It just doubled.
Jack: That's a lot of cash.
Diana: Silence is expensive. You know that.
Jack: Hm. Once the boat gets here and safely departs, you'll be taken care of. Don't worry.

Serena: You know maybe I should be the one to tell Dan what's going on. At least he considers me a friend, which is more than you can say right now.
Vanessa: And who's fault is that?
Serena: Yours.

Dan: But... why?
Chuck: They anoint Amanda into their fold, she'll be bound by their laws. Namely she won't be allowed to date ex-boyfriends. Namely you.

Sometimes it's hard to see the lines we've drawn until we've crossed them. That's when we rely on the ones we love to pull us back and give us something to hold onto. Then there are the clearly marked lines. The ones that if you dare cross, you may never find your way back. XOXO, Gossip Girl.

Dan: Wait, don't you all hate each other?
Blair: Yes.
Nate: Absolutely.
Chuck: No.

Chuck: She's not coming. Amanda.
Dan: What are you talking about?
Chuck: She met some new friends, they extended an invitation to her for lunch. Hockey sticks were involved. You know how persuasive our girls can be.

Ben: What about your family? What if us being together drives them all away?
Serena: I don't think it will but that's a risk I'm willing to take if you are.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.