[takes mic] Hi, I'm Dan. I just wanted to let everybody know that Blair Waldorf, over there, invited some people from Georgina's past just so she could embarrass her. But you know, we're all in college here, and college is a place where you're not judged by what you believe, and the friends you make, you're here to make new friends and start over. So the last time I checked, this party was pretty fun, right? [crowd murmurs] So ... who wants to leave with Blair? [silence] Who wants to stay here and drink cheap beer with ME!? [crowd cheers] It's a no-brainer!


Nate: What's going on?
Dan: Charlie said something that kind of weirded me out. I'm hoping it's just a crazy misunderstanding and not actual crazy.
Nate: What'd she say?
Dan: Well, ah, we were kissing. And then things started to, you know. So then she says, "Call me Serena."
Nate: What?
Dan: Yeah.
Nate: Woah. Are you sure? I mean maybe that's just what you wanted to hear.
Dan: Nice one. But yeah. Yeah I'm sure.

I warn you, if the Krug is warmer than 55 degrees, I'm leaving.

Jeremiah Davis

And for a scandal to really blow up, all it needs is an unexpected turn.

I made friends with a family of squirrels, and had lots of time to think.


This is a homeless shelter. A. gross, and B. really?


Chuck: Where's Raina?
Nate: She went back to her hotel. I think your whole Howard Hughes routine is starting to freak her out a bit. It's actually starting to freak me out too, man. Talk to me.
Chuck: I saw what you two were looking at this morning. The tattered box, old photographs. Is Raina looking for her mother? It's a mistake. You have to stop her.
Nate: Look man, I know what happened with your mom was painful, but at least you got some answers. Reina deserves the same and she can handle it.

Tripp: I did want you here. I find you smart and charming, and I wanted to help you out. But having you here ... I didn't realize how much it would effect me. Say something.
Serena: You know what? Don't worry about me. It's not going to be a problem.

Charlie: You have a girlfriend.
Nate: Who schedules time with me as if it were a board meeting.
Charlie: And who is my boss.
Nate: Well maybe I want something more.
Diana: Charlie! My office.
Charlie: If you want more, ask for it. And do us both a favor and ask her, not me.

I thought you were just a callow social-climbing former swimsuit model who married above her station and was enslaved by her own insecurities.


Georgina: So you're just going to go back to Serena like nothing happened and just leave me all alone?
Blair: Oh, you're not alone Georgina. I'm here now. And I brought some people who really really want to see you. I think you remember your parents.

Agnes: I mean, you can do whatever you want to do, but what do you think people will say when they see Jenny Humphrey has finally gone out on her own?
Jenny: I dunno... Jenny Humphrey is so young to have her own line?
Agnes: Or, too bad Jenny Humphrey's stuff looks exactly like Eleanor Waldorf's.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.