Sometimes you know who the bad guy is from the start.... but most times you find out they've been in front of you all along.

Gossip Girl

Diana: I need to start a war between Serena and Gossip Girl. Stay on her and let me know what happens.
Charlie: Of course.
Diana: Oh. Regarding Nate. I thought I told you to keep your distance.

In drama there are many ways to unmask a villain.

Gossip Girl

Blair: How much more do you need to see?
Dorota: Of duck pond? Not really my thing to begin with.

Blair: What are you doing here? Our treaty of 2010 clearly states the duck pond is my domain. {Monkey whines at her} Don't try to fool me with your puppy dog eyes.
Chuck: I apologize for the intrusion, but your web-winged friend here waddled into the dog park and was about to become a labrador's lunch.
Blair: And out of the goodness of your heart you came to his rescue.
Chuck: I like Duck a l'Orange as much as the next person, but it seemed cruel to let the poor creature suffer.
Blair: Especially in front of a photographer. What a lucky duck.
Chuck: I've imposed on your domain long enough already. If you'll excuse me, Monkey needs his constitutional.

Lily: What's going on? Is Dan okay?
Rufus: I'm not sure. That was his agent Alessandra. She said he missed his book signing in Boston yesterday and he didn't check into Burlington either. She can't find him anywhere.

Charlie: You have a girlfriend.
Nate: Who schedules time with me as if it were a board meeting.
Charlie: And who is my boss.
Nate: Well maybe I want something more.
Diana: Charlie! My office.
Charlie: If you want more, ask for it. And do us both a favor and ask her, not me.

Charlie: Maybe it's none of my business but it seems that if you want people to read you then you need people to read about you first. Get Gossip Girl's attention. Even a date would do it. Then steal her thunder by telling the real story on your blog.
Serena: You know you may be an evil genius.
Charlie: When I want to be.

Charlie, Serena. Care to join us for a 2011 version of a family breakfast?


Rufus: People who still go to book stores are real readers. They don't care if a book's on some best-whatever list.
Dan: Yeah, it seems that way. Turn out's been great.

If Diana won't commit to you in public like she does in private maybe it's time to explore your options.


Nate: Please tell me you're not just getting home from yesterday. Did you spend all night with Zarkana again or what?
Chuck: Early morning charity event meeting.
Nate: Is that what you're calling it now? Charity.

Gossip Girl Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

Dorota: Uh oh. Mr. Chuck in dream again.
Blair: When Chuck's in them they're all nightmares.
Dorota: What he do now?
Blair: Behave like a perfect gentleman. Which makes him even more chilling. That fake apology of his has permeated my subconscious and haunts me even when I sleep.
Dorota: Apology not seem so fake to me.
Blair: That's because English is your second language!

Good morning, Upper East Siders. Or is it? We hear a certain future royal has had more than one rude awakening this week.

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl Season 5 Episode 7 Music

  Song Artist
Haunted Heart Little Hurricane iTunes
Shells of Silver The Japanese Popstars iTunes
Black Hills Gardens & Villa iTunes