Chuck: Apparently rules are there to be broken. We CAN have it all.
Blair: No. You can.

Bouncer: Sorry. Do you have ID?
Serena: I didn't come to rent a car.

Blair: My black Balenciaga will be perfect to publicly condemn you.
Chuck: I love poplin.
Blair: I love condemnation.
Chuck: I love you.
Blair: [pause] Of course no one does black like Dior.

Blair: As for your devoted suitors, have you finally decided whom to crush?
Serena: No, and I have feeling for both. I don't want to hurt either. I have a whole new appreciation for Big Love.
Blair: Well. Even in Utah only the men get to have more than one spouse. Which, I've come to realize, is extremely sexist.

Don't look at me like that. You're the one that's black and white and read all over.


Chuck: So I took your advice about the relaunch. After tonight it'll be clear I'm back in the game. With Victrola, Gimlet, and The Empire as my flagship.
KC: Yeah, but a black and white ball? It's so Hilton. Conrad, not Paris.

Lily: Dean Reuther, I'm sorry you have to disrupt your day with such trivial matters.
Dean Reuther: It's hardly trivial, Mrs. Humphrey. I'm sure you saw the wall of paparazzi at the campus gates.
Lily: Well I assure you none of us is interested in this kind of media attention. I hope you'll let our family make it up to you with an endowment. Maybe you could use it to build a moat around the school — keep out the press.

Hey Serena, it's me. I saw your thing in The Post. Just wanted you to know that Brooklyn is a great place to avoid nasty looks. Unless you throw your recycling in the regular trash or try to open a chain store with questionable labor practices.


Serena: Hey, why are you guys eating? I thought we were going to Sarabeth's.
Eric: Ah, we decided we could spread out better here. There's more room to work.
Serena: On what, your calculus homework?
Eric: Your love life. It's a little something called "Dan vs. Nate". We're here to help.
Elliot: And we brought protractors.

Colin: You promised you weren't in contact with Ben.
Juliet: It's not that easy for him!
Colin: Prison shouldn't be easy. Especially when you deserve to be there. Why else would his lawyer have had him plead guilty?

What if I need to go through sex rehab like Jesse James?


[to Dan] Why do you have mad face?


Gossip Girl Season 4 Quotes

Serena: So what does it say about Chuck?
Blair: I couldn't be less interested. Serena gives her a look. No new posts. He's been MIA since he left town this spring.
Serena: What does it say about us?
Blair: "Ooh la la! Paris is burning and Serena and Blair lit the match." Of course your flame is hotter than mine. Everyone knows that the only guy who's been in my pants all summer is the tailor at Pierre Balmain.
Serena: And whose fault is that? B, just as many guys have flirted with you. I just happen to have a thing for French waiters.
Blair: And bartenders. And museum docents. Anyone on a Vespa or bicycle. Or wearing Zadig & Voltaire.

Serena: Blair what are you doing? We said we wouldn't check Gossip Girl all summer.
Blair: Summer's almost over.