Rebecca: Well I guess it was inevitable. I want you to know that I rarely try and sleep with the same ex twice.
Casey: Thanks, Becks. I'm almost touched.

We'll all be pals, like Harry Pottery, and you know, the other two.


It is simple, costumes revealing genitals are unacceptable.


I hate crickets - ever since Pinnochio - they're too bossy.


Natalie, shouldn't you be protecting your pot of gold?


Casey: Maybe what you guys need is a common enemy. Cappie, who do the Kappa Taus hate the most?
Cappie: Ryan Seacrest - oh no, no, no, wait, wait, Officer Huck
Casey: And who do the Omega Chis hate the most?
Cappie: Liberals?

We're all going to go to girl jail like those prison movies my boyrfriend watches!


We'll know if we did it, when we get in trouble for it, but until then, we say nothing!


Greek Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

We're all going to go to girl jail like those prison movies my boyrfriend watches!


We'll know if we did it, when we get in trouble for it, but until then, we say nothing!
