You know what's really fun and not at all depressing — Alzheimers research.


It's like turning off the TV when Clarisse is knocking on the door of the house. It's silencing the lambs, and the lambs want to scream, Dr. Bailey. The lambs want to scream.


(pointing to Arizona and Mark) Lesbian lover. Baby daddy.


And Mark, you know, is human and clearly has good genes because he's both pretty and smart.


Don't give me Bailey eyes.


Arizona: I might be having Mark Sloan's baby.
Teddy: Oh good lord, he got to you too.

Milkshake time is not a thing.


So tell her. Do not wait until this kid comes out looking all Sloan-y.


Callie: You can be the cool uncle that hangs out on Sundays.
Mark: I'm not the cool uncle. I'm the dad.

Twitter. What the hell is a twitter?


I didn't plan this, ok? I didn't plan any of this, but there's a mighty oak or whatever showing up in our lives in about seven months, so now I have to plan, and I don't know how long I can wait for you to process, but I want you in my plan. I want you to be a part of my plan.


You have to give me a chance to process this, ok? I'm processing.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
