Jo: Do you love her?
DeLuca: She told you.
Jo: Do you?
DeLuca: Who wouldn't?

Dr. Deluca, It has come to light that Dr. Grey has submitted her own daughter's name for a patient's surgery here and that is both fraud and a felony, so we're going to need you to be a lot more specific.


I guess God's water just broke too.


What sane person turns on the news and thinks "oh great, the polar ice caps are melting, the planet is on fire, and all of humanity is whining on Twitter while doing exactly nothing to prevent any of it, so yeah, I should bring a baby into this world?"


Amelia: I know it's my body, but you are free to have feelings.
Link: I spent the day trying to wrap my head around this. Every worst-case scenario if we actually go through with this, and I've got about a million of them. Cancer, global warming, gun violence. Antibiotic-resistant superbug. But talking to you now, looking at you, listening to you , and hearing what you have survived; what I know I don't want is for anything to hurt you. That feels real to me. That feels tangible. And everything that scares me suddenly feels irrelevant, so if you want to have this kid, I will suck up my fears, and I'll be a dad. Because let's face it, kids love me, and um, if you don't want it, I will drive you to the appointment. I will be there for you in any way I possibly can. That's what I know. That's my feelings.
Amelia: Dammit, Link!

Jackson: We'll make sure you get options to consider.
Robin: Yeah, bankruptcy or death.

Owen: I'm sorry, Tom. About the incident.
Tom: Incident? You deep fried my nads!

Amelia: I'd do it laparoscopically.
Tom: No, I'd do it laparoscopically because she's not my niece.

If the one person who helped to make me OK could go off and try to kill herself, then what does that say about me?


Gemma: Now why would you pull away from the first little bit of comfort you've had in weeks.
Richard: Because I'm a married man.
Gemma: I am fully aware that you and Catherine have rings on your finger for better or worse. Forgive me for thinking that because you two hit the worse that you might be looking around.

Dr. Grey you're not going back to trash duty. You'll be making up your missed hours in jail.


Jo: If you're going to eat in front of me, can you at least share?
Therapist: No.
Jo: Why not?
Therapist: Because boundaries. I don't share food.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
