Sloan: You're thinking like a nerve guy.
Derek: I am a nerve guy.

Pediatric surgery has nothing to do with liking kids. You go into peds because it's elite. The best of the best.


It's been hard since the shooting. I lost some friends that day.


This is one surgery that I am happy to have finish. Tonight I may very well take the night off, go out, maybe have a drink, who knows?


Cristina: People like to say what I did was heroic, but I wasn't. It was just a thing that I had to do. I think people like to have a hero and it makes them feel better to think that they're in the middle of that horror that there's someone special working medical miracles. I don't have super special medical powers.
Meredith: Cristina is a hero, especially to me. The truth is most surgeons could not have done what she did that day.

Well we went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now everyday's just a gift. And now we're all blessed. Blessed to be here, blessed to be doing what we do best, which is saving lives. Every day. One life at a time. We're healed so that we can continue healing others.


Reporter: Is there any one thing you'll take away from all of this?
Cristina: Being a hero has it's price.

The first 24 hours after surgery are critical. Every breath you take, every fluid you make, is meticulously reported and analyzed. Celebrated or mourned. But what about the next 24 hours? What happens with that first day turns to two and weeks turn into months? What happens when the immediate danger has passed, when the machines are disconnected and the teams of doctors and nurses are gone? Surgery is when you get saved, but post-op, after surgery, is when you heal. But, what if you don't?


She [Christina] doesn't do the wildnerness. There aren't even any bathrooms in the wilderness.


Nothing says good morning like shower sex.


Sex with you just makes me sad.


I'm going to need some more consonants.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
