MRS. O'MALLEY: "First Meredith, then Dr. Torres and now this Dr. Hahn."
MR. O'MALLEY: "O'Malley men are studs!"
MRS. O'MALLEY: "He's no stud. He's just very handsome."
IZZIE: "Okay people, focus. George is not dating Erica Hahn."

IZZIE: "Well, how much did George tell you?"
MRS. O'MALLEY: "Everything. I'm his mother."
IZZIE: "Okay, then you know that Callie has a little bit out there. I mean I have seen more of that girl's body than I have with my own and she's a little too much information for me. I mean nobody needs to be naked that often... He didn't tell you that? Um, I dunno why they broke up. George seemed to really like her and he kinda needed her. I mean, you remember the whole George and Meredith thing."
MR. O'MALLEY: "Wait! George and Meredith?"
MRS. O'MALLEY: "I knew it."
IZZIE: "George didn't tell you that either?"

IZZIE: "Do you mind me asking why you guys switched from Dr. Burke to Dr. Hahn?"
MR. O'MALLEY: "No, we didn't. Georgie did."
IZZIE: "Did he say why?"
MR. O'MALLEY: "Not really, no."
MRS. O'MALLEY: "Did George and Dr. Burke maybe have a falling out?"
IZZIE: "Not that I know of."

PRESTON: "Anything you would have done different, Dr. Hahn?"
DR. HAHN: "Given the size of the wound, I would've given up sooner. So how have you been, Preston? Last time I saw you, you stole my patient's heart. Then you got shot. Karma rocks."
PRESTON: "What brings you all the way from Seattle Presbyterian to Seattle Grace?"
DR. HAHN: "A consult. And knowing how much my being here would annoy you."
PRESTON: "Oh, on the contrary. It's always a pleasure. Though not as much as when you leave."

Cristina: We need a strategy. We have to figure out our story and come up with a plan.
PRESTON: "Cristina, you are too intense."
CRISTINA: "I am too intense? I have been working my ass off making sure nobody here knows. Running your board, learning surgical procedures I shouldn't have to know until my fifth year covering you."
PRESTON: "You're covering me? And I haven't been covering you?"
CRISTINA: "Excuse me?"
PRESTON: "I'm just saying. We're a team."

PRESTON: "I haven't had a tremor in a week."
CRISTINA: "George knows. And this is not any surgery. You're operating on his father."
PRESTON: "I am aware of that and I am fine."
CRISTINA: "Well, he's going to do something. I know him. He's not gonna just stand by and say nothing."
PRESTON: "There's nothing to say. I had a tremor and now I don't."

PRESTON: "Why are you acting like the sky is falling?"
CRISTINA: "The sky isn't falling. It already fell. George knows."
PRESTON: "I was in surgery for 14 hours yesterday and no tremor."
CRISTINA: "Yeah, with me by your side ready to jump in."

MR. O'MALLEY: "Hey Izzie! Honey, this is Izzie."
MRS. O'MALLEY: "Oh yeah, one of the girls that lives with Georgie... and some kind of set-up there."
MR. O'MALLEY: "It's not some kind of set-up. It's what they do these days. Men and women live together without being... you know, men and women. It's like a neural thing."
MRS. O'MALLEY: "So nothing sexual?"
GEORGE: "Mom!"
IZZIE: [laughs] "No, nothing sexual."

JANELLE: "The doctors... hot men... they're all really hot... they are, aren't they? It's not just cause I'm wearing a plate glass window?"
ADDISON: "Nope, they're man candy."
JANELLE: "Good..."

"Preston Burke. Back from the dead. Can't say the same for your patient."


"Hey. So you and Meredith were having on of your 'we're best friends, we're so cool' secret-time things? Sorry, I'm cranky. Candy stripin' makes me so cranky."


CRISTINA: "How's your Dad?"
GEORGE: "His surgery's today."
CRISTINA: "You have nothing to worry about.
GEORGE: "I'm not worried. Not anymore."
CRISTINA: "What do you mean by that?"

Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

DEREK: "Six-letter word for 'pinnacle.'"
MEREDITH: "Zenith."
DEREK: "Ah, this is good. No sex. Crossword puzzles. Current events. When does the knitting start?"
MEREDITH: "Shut up. Good things come to those who wait."
DEREK: "Yeah? I want sex."
MEREDITH: "There will be no sex."

[narrating] "As doctors, we know everybody's secrets. Their medical histories. Sexual histories. Confidential information that is as essential to a surgeon as a ten-blade, and every bit as dangerous. We keep secrets, we have to, but not all secrets can be kept."