That is a giant scrotum.


Parker: I have twenty minutes, want to go again?
Cristina: I guess so.

Meredith: This is a cry for help.
Cristina: No, this is a cry for an orgasm.

The clothes a surgeon wears help to present an image. The lab coats and badges and scrubs all work together to indicate a person of authority, someone you can trust. When the clothes come off, that's a different story. We're sensitive, lonely, human.


When we follow our hearts, when we choose not to settle, it's funny. Isn't it? A weight lifts, the sun shines a little brighter, and for a brief moment, we find a little peace.


Meredith: Are you sleeping with him?
Cristina: No, he's like one hundred.

My wife is disabled and my baby's father is dead.


Jackson: The chief banged my mom. Webber. Dr. Webber banged my mom.
Meredith: If it makes you feel any better, he banged my mom too.

Never trade sex for scrubbing in, it's just skanky. Save it for when you actually get to cut.


I am laughing, just not externally.


Poppop has an enlarged heart. He can't have a tater tot hot dish.


Surgeons don't compromise. We defy death, we exceed perfection. We operate for seventeen hours straight if we have to. We aren't built to settle, but that doesn't mean we won't.


Grey's Anatomy Season 9 Quotes

The world keeps going without you.


Dying changes everything. There is the emotional fall out, sure. But there's also the practical stuff. Who's going to do your job? Who's going to take care of your family?
