Renard [sees Adalind's powers have returned]: Well. That's interesting. Does Nick know?
Adalind: No.
Renard: Are you going to tell him?
Adalind: I don't know.
Renard: This feels very familiar.

Adalind [about Nick]: We have a son together.
Renard: And *we* have a daughter.
Adalind: Well, maybe I should live with *both* of you. Wouldn't *that* be fun.

So, we've got a man and his Wesen loose in the woods.


Hank: Doyle definitely wasn't lying about there being an attack.
Nick: Yeah. But who attacked whom?

Nick: What if we're right?
Renard: They you'll be dealing with a raving lycanthrope locked in a jail cell.

Rosalee: I don't think there's a cure.
Monroe: On, no, there's a cure. It's called the parents taking any child suspected of being a lycanthrope and burying them -- alive.

Nick [to baby Kelly]: Can you say 'Daddy'? Can you say 'Mama'? Can you say 'Grimm'?
Adalind: He's a little young for that last one!

Adalind [about Eve]: That was creepy. Is that how she is now?
Nick: Yeah, she talks about as much as Kelly.

Hank: So there is no way this is Summer.
Wu: Well, not in a *normal* 'no way.'

Not only is she wearing her clothes, she's wearing her fingerprints.


I didn't know 'beauty' meant 'talent.'


Monroe [about Renard]: So, what do we think? Are we *voting* for him?
Hank: Well, the devil you know...

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
