Rosalee: You threatened her. You said if she did anything to Nick you'd go after her.
Eve: You have a problem with that?
Rosalee: It's what I would've said. [Eve leaves.] If I was Juliette.

I think he had a rough year last night!

Sgt. Franco

Nick: Let's talk to the M.E., see if she's ever seen anything like this before. [smash cut to the morgue]
Medical Examiner: I've never seen anything like this before.

Hank: Our bodies were run over.
Monroe: Well, I guess that's a sacrifice you have to make when you don't have a cliff.

I don't have anything against you. Believe me. It's just who we are. We could never get away from that.


Adalind: You... bastard...!
Renard: I know.

Wu: Thanks for coming.
Nick: We couldn't think of a way to get out of it.
Hank: That's why we brought chocolate and flowers.
Wu: Well, where are they?
Nick: Oh, we didn't bring them for *you*.
Hank: It's *our* reward for coming here!

Wu: Oh, so you guys saved my ass.
Hank: That's why I ate the chocolate, and he kept the flowers!

I can fry water!

Hank [defending his culinary skills]

I lost my mom when I was 12. And I got her back, and lost her again. I would never do that to Kelly.


Nick: Portland can survive one day without you!
Wu: What if it doesn't?
Hank: Then we'll know who to blame!

Got a wound on his jugular. And by 'wound,' I mean someone chewed him up with a chain saw. Fun stuff!

Sgt. Franco [about a dead body]

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
