A lot of peole are going to want us to fail, but thats because we're the future and there's nothing scarier than that.


Let me guess, you’re one of those "idea" people.


I think you act like you can’t see it because the truth is you can’t do it.


What is Joe's Achilles' heel?


What? Only Cameron had the ideas? No one else?


At the time I thought I was unhappy with the project, but in hindsight I realized I was just unhappy with myself. So I guess that’s what I’ve been working on.


The past is past, but tomorrow is tomorrow.


I don’t want to be the mom here. Look, I do that at home. I came here to do what I love and I don’t love dealing with the power company. And I don’t love managing the checkbook, so to make sure we don’t overdraw, and I don’t love playing wet-nurse to a bunch of coders who act more like kindergartners.


“Not that bad.” We should have put that on the box.


You destroy lives. You cost dozens of good honest people their jobs. You sent my SVP of sales, my friend, John Bosworth, to prison. And for what? A doorstop of a computer with a fancy screen and no legacy.


Since I don’t have the job, can I not have the lecture as well?


You’re afraid of the hurricane? But you’ve got hurricane zappers right here!
