Joe: What are you really excited about?
Gordon: This. Here. You and me.

Joe: Does this long, long trailer mean you're movin' out?
Cameron: No! This. This is for us. We'll have all this room to just do what we want.

Promise me whatever the offer is you'll consider it.


Hayley: Hey, is Scientology a religion or a cult?
Joe: Cult!
Hayley: They obtained nonprofit status in October. Never mind, I'll figure out where it goes.

Josie: What are you doing?
Hayley: Skating is coming on. It's Tonya and Nancy and the whole world is watching and I want to know what happens.
Josie: I was watching the Real World and it's the episode where David gets kicked off because he pisses of Jamie. Will you please!
Hayley: I was reading something online that said they generate all the drama.

Hayley: I don't want money. I want to work on it.
Joe: DEAL!:
Hayley: I want to be able to come here and work on it instead of going to class for one period. It can be my independent study.

I came in to tell you your girl from the Rover team? She was crying in the stairwell just now. You might want to consider a lighter touch.


Hayley: Hey, you know, I think it would be helpful if we started out with a bunch of categories and then, like...
Joe: But we don't want to make it seem dry. We don't want to make it feel like anyone could have organized this.
Hayley: No, yeah, dumb idea.
Joe: No, no. What's great about what you've done is creating the personal touch. The feeling that there is a person on the other side creating this experience for you.

Joe: Why did you send it to him?
Cameron: I thought it was good.

Gordon: I'm sorry about the divorce.
Cameron: Thank you. There is something cathartic about it.
Gordon: Yeah, you bet your ass! That you get to be divorced after all of it!
Cameron: I was talking about the game.

What we need is a sophisticated rules engine in place. What I see is no rules engine.


Joe: Hey, I have a present for you.
Cameron: Do you?
Joe: For your video games.
Cameron [takes the gift]: Oh. That's...passive aggressive.
Joe: Really? Is it? Because I was aiming for blunt, compromising clarity.
Cameron: You missed the mark.
Joe: You're loud. Everything you do is loud. And messy. You're messy.