Are you ready for the annual Brad and Jane spring smackdown?!?


That's the last time I administer an at home "bro-zilian." Speaking of, Dave we need more duct tape.


I'm not the one who always goes out to the terrace to stretch because quote, the perv across the way needs to eat too!

Brad [to Jane]

The pinot and the pants are flowing, the brie is a-baking, it's time to stop waiting and start exhaling.


My skin is so dry it has a British accent.


I'll see you guys later...I hope not sporadically.


Sorry we're late, Brad insisted on a Brazilian which takes longer than his usual bikini wax.


It's like our Groundhog Day, if the groundhog was one part blonde overachiever with control issues and a fondness for formal shorts, and one part Brad.


Happy Endings Season 2 Episode 15 Quotes

Sorry we're late, Brad insisted on a Brazilian which takes longer than his usual bikini wax.


It's like our Groundhog Day, if the groundhog was one part blonde overachiever with control issues and a fondness for formal shorts, and one part Brad.
