Lavon: Go ahead... Talk about Wade.
Zoe: Wade? Why the hell would I want to talk about Wade?
[Zoe walks away and then returns]
Zoe: Okay, maybe just one thing....

Some people say that women can't have it all... Those people obviously never met Lemon Breeland.


Brick: Don't beat yourself up.
Magnolia: I'm not. I mean making me do stuff. You should know better!

[Drunk] We changed the minds of us and had some drinks.


Frank: Ruby's tough on crime...
Lavon: What crime!?

But yo Simba how about a little heads up if their is going to be a hot new lioness in the den when Nola comes home.


Lemon: Oh Lavon, please tell me you're still not in love with me!
Lavon: What!? No!

Zoe: Hey can I take your syrup to my place for later?
Lavon: Yeah.
Zoe: Wanna know why?
Lavon: NO!

Zoe: Now I see why athletes carb load. Wanna know what I mean?
Lavon: No.
Zoe: Why I'm so tired?
Lavon: No.
Zoe: The sex because it's like a marathon except no one's handing me water every couple of miles. Although that would be useful.

Lemon: [To Brick] Remind the gardner to trim back the roses and re-fertilize the front lawn and pick up your dry cleaning. Don't forget you need to lift and pull up on the dryer door when it get's stuck and-
Brick: I can run my own home...

[To Lemon] You know what we saw? A force of nature at work. Someone who doesn't hear the word "no", when you set your mind to something you will it into existence. You always have. Take those powers and use them for good.


George: You know what I'd say Brick, I'd say I'm sorry. That I really am so truly sorry for breaking your daughters heart. The last thing I wanted to do this in the world was hurt her or hurt you. Fact of the matter is, you've been nothing less than a father to me Brick.
Brick: Well, maybe that's why it hurts so much. Lemon's loss, it was my loss too. You were in my family for fifteen years and felt like I was losing a son.

Hart of Dixie Season 2 Quotes

Let's just say I finally understand what R. Kelly has been singing about all of these years...


Last night, while George was calling off his wedding, I was having sex with Wade
