Tani: That explains the how. It doesn't explain the why.
Grover: Yeah. What could have been on this plane worth killing for?

Tani: Are you OK? You seem, I don't want to use the wrong word, a little cranky.
Grover: That's the right word.

I'm one of those clinging types. Once I get interested, I can't let go.

Quinn [to Cullen]

I didn't realize we had a breakfast on the books or I would have asked for a raincheck.

Cullen [to Quinn]

It's fine. I'll have an underseasoned burger.


I'm going to blame this concussion for not having the right words.


McGarrett: I owe you one.
Quinn: Yes, you do, Steve.

Looks like I was wrong. You are good with a surfboard.

Tani [to Junior]

McBride: Who'd you piss off now?
McGarrett: It's a long list.

I didn't know you were that good at surfing.

Junior [to Tani]

You too, new girl. There's plenty of room.

Jerry [to Quinn]

Quinn: Can't this thing go any faster? What?
McGarrett: Nothing. I've never had that complaint.

Hawaii Five-0 Quotes

I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry, so sorry.

Danny [to Marie]

Dealer: Game's closed unless you have an invitation.
Grover [holding up his badge]: Here's my invitation. It's even engraved.