Cullen Bohannon: Damn it Elam, the man wasn't done speaking his last words.
Elam Ferguson: Yeah he was.

To Mr. Bohannon. He may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch.

Mr. Toole

Let's do it.

Cullen Bohannon

Anything moves, shoot the shit out of it.

Cullen Bohannon

When logic isn't on your side, resort to the profane.

Lily Bell

Be careful Miss Bell, you're starting to sound like a man.

Cullen Bohannon

This is a free country by god.
Cullen Bohannon. Yeah, that's about the funniest damn thing I heard.

The Butcher

I hate you more than you hate yourself.

The Swede

Someone has to hang.

Thomas Durant

Proved you're a man. Now get your ass on out of here before I show them otherwise.

Cullen Bohannon

Congratulations, dumb ass. Now get in there.

Cullen Bohannon

Cullen Bohannon: Where the hell you think you're going?
Elam Ferguson: I'm taking the front.

Hell on Wheels Season 2 Quotes

You hand over that money or I'll kill you my damned self.

Cullen Bohannon

Lily Bell: Are you saying horses are more valuable than women?
Thomas Durant: Sadly, yes. Yes they are.