Nathan, you and I are not the same. We don't believe in the same things.


Sterling: What you were doing, back in the room, where did you learn to act like that?
Nate: Sophie. She really helped me. She's directing now. She found her calling.

I've seen Sophie Devereaux play a dozen people.... drunk.


Elliot: Promise me those things will never hit toy shelves.
Parker: Neah, I'm keeping him all to myself. I've got them all lined up in my warehouse like an army of joy and rage.
Haridson: You never want to be in that warehouse alone. Ever.

Hardison: What's the problem with getting emotionally butt naked? I'm just trying to share my feelings.
Nate: We don't want to see that.

Nate: What do you think parents are most afraid of?
Parker: Clowns?
Nate: No.
Parker: Evil Clowns?
Nate: No.
Parker: Crazy clowns named Gigi who whisper your name from under your bed?
Nate: [pauses] No.

What happen to Patience wasn't your fault, what happens next is. It's your life Charlie, make something of it.


Dodgson: Am I dreaming now or was I dream then?
Parker: Which answer gets you down here with me?

Let's go steal a dream


Eliot: Hardison, headed your way 10 minutes.
Hardison: Ok Eliot, come on with it, the dreamnasium is a go.

Parker: What's the White Rabbit?
Hardison: It's the ungriftable grift, it's impossible.
Parker: Yeah, but we do the impossible.

Sophie: Just letting you know, if we die I blame you. None of this would have happened if you just gone to the movies like I told you.
Nate: If I had gone to the movies, you would be in jail right now.

Leverage Season 5 Quotes

Eliot: Well, you just can't setup shop in the back of someone's restaurant.
Hardison: Of course not. That's why I bought the Microbrewery. What? No he didn't?
Parker: Yes, he did.
Hardison: We brew our own beer now.
Parker: Yeah, and we are calling it, Thief Juice. Tastes like bad guys.

Sophie: Excuse me, what is this place?
Hardison: Oh This? This is Leverage Inc. Portland branch, come on baby.