Oh yeah, right, because all us L.A. Latinos, we know each other, right Flynn? Oh. Huh. I do know him.


Rusty: I'm only agreeding to do this because I love you. You know that, right?
Sharon: I do.

  • Permalink: I do.
  • Added:

What is it with you and the mental health industry?


Chris Harris: You better damn well follow this warrant to the letter. My brother's an attorney.
Provenza: You have my condolences. Now stand over there.

Sanchez: Mr. Early Admissions: Against the wall, hands behind your back.

You know what else causes serious trauma issues? Snorting cyanide up your nose.


Criminals have rights. Suspects have rights. But witnesses don't? What kind of bullsh*t is that?


What is this? Charlies Angels?

Dr. Morales

Whatever happens next, know I love you.


Carlo: What's going on?
Provenza: Getting rid of the worst house guest ever.

But you have to be passionate to be famous in Hollywood, right?


Sharon: Although I hate that he has seen himself on TV.
Rusty: Why?
Sharon: Because if he is interested in being famous and that is all that he is interested in then he has accomplished his goal by killing people and so, he may continue to do that.

Major Crimes Season 2 Quotes

Provenza: Rusty has the right to have his guardian present!
DDA Rio: His guardian? Are you saying my witness lives with you?

Flynn: Okay, never ending budget crisis. The morgue can't get out here until 5 a.m.
Provenza: That's okay. She's got no other place to be.