Mary: What do I do?
Ben: Go home. Live your life. Let me do my job.
Mary: So you're just going to swoop in and save me?
Ben: I guess so.

Olivia: Swear for me, Mary. Swear for me on your daughters' lives that you killed my husband.
Mary: I swear.
Olivia: Then we're good as gold.

You want to shoot people in your warehouse in front of witnesses, that's your choice. I'm not going to tell you how to run your business so don't tell me how to run mine.

Heather: Do you believe in anything, Naomi?
Naomi: Well, I believe in Prada. Marrying rich. Dying a divorcee. But who care? We all end up as dust anyways.
Jess: That's bleak.
Naomi: I'm a realist.

Heather: The way I see it, you have a choice. You can believe in nothing or you can believe in something. And I choose something. What about you?
Jess: I was raised by atheists. I'm a godless child.

Olivia: Do you ever feel like you're a bad person?
Des: I do bad things sometimes. But am I a bad person? I don't know. I'd like to think not.

Des: Josh, I know this terrible diagnosis feels like it's the lowest of the low. I get it but there's still time for you to learn and grow. Go and live a little more. Get laid. All right?
Josh: Ok, what happens if I can't function anymore?
Des: Call me. I'll happily kill you then.

Nicole: I'm just curious.
Mary: You know what curiousity did to the cat.
Nicole: That cat was so stupid.

Don't be afraid. Love does not kill. It is life itself and it shines with heavenly joys.


Mary: It's not about you, Des, or your feelings. Or mine. It's about our patients and I don't think we should only help people when it's easy for us.
Des: But we also have to be able to sleep at night.
Mary: I sleep fine.

Just, for the record, if you were dying, I would not want to die with you. I mean, I love you but I love life more.


Yeah, lawyers are cool but ninety percent of doctors are sociopaths. I think they have to be.


Mary Kills People Quotes

Mary: Y'know, sometimes I don't know if you're a compassionate doctor or a serial killer
Des:... says the woman who just smothered a man with a pillow

We're afraid because we don't know what to expect.... but just because there's uncertainty doesn't mean that there's anything to fear
