I don't believe in a traditional god, like, white man in the sky watching down on us all in judgement, but I believe in a higher power that I can talk to, that has my back in some cosmic way.


She's crazy. I'm just impressionable.


Suffering isn't always physical.

Mary: We help people who want to die.
Des: No, we help the terminally ill shuffle across that rainbow bridge a bit faster. We don't murder perfectly healthy individuals who happen to be a bit sad!

Des: Our service is for people who are dying.
Betty: We're all dying. It's just a matter of timing.

Des: Why don't you want me to come with you?
Mary: Because you're on parole. I'm fairly certain one of your conditions would be 'no killing people'

A friend once told me that life can make you strong or it can break you. There isn't much in between. I believe that this experience has made me stronger. It's shaped me into a better version of myself.


Grady: How do we find our patients?
Mary: They come to us.
Grady: Well, we're going to have to do something about that, maybe hire some death dealers.
Mary: I'm not soliciting death.
Grady: You should be.

Mary: How are you feeling?
Morgan: Good. Weird. Feels like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff. Does that make any sense?
Mary: It makes a lot of sense

Ben: My plan? I'm just... doing my job.
Des: Throw yourself into the work. It's a good, solid plan. But it's the same things, really. The drugs, the law, it's all just an attempt to control the chaos.
Ben: Ever think Mary's the one that creates the chaos?
Des: Yeah. She's good at that.

Sonia Danvers: He woke up about an hour ago. We've been praying and praying. Even Dr. Taylor.
Dr. Taylor: Turns out I have a knack

I'm so sick of people talking about love when they have no idea what it means. You know, if you love somebody, you don't lie to them. You don't tell them you care about them when all you care about is yourself.


Mary Kills People Quotes

Mary: Y'know, sometimes I don't know if you're a compassionate doctor or a serial killer
Des:... says the woman who just smothered a man with a pillow

We're afraid because we don't know what to expect.... but just because there's uncertainty doesn't mean that there's anything to fear
