Not a bad way to go, huh? Clean sheets, nice view, free hair products. I always pictured drowning in my own mucus in the ICU. This is better.


Morgan: When I was younger, I developed this obsession with medieval torture, like the Judas cradle...
Mary: Why are you telling me this?
Morgan: Because in a hundred years, they'll look back at now and say that the most popular form of torture was refusing to let people die. Dragging it out. Give people false hope, false relief, hook them up to machines. Something that should take months to kill them would take years. Those people? They're the bad guys. But you? You're one of the good ones.

Mary: You know, the first time I did this, I was sixteen. It was with my mother.
Morgan: She was sick?
Mary: Yeah, she was depressed. She wanted to die more than anything. So each day, I'd come from school not know what I'd find. And my mother was good at a lot of things, but she was terrible at suicide.

I remember, oh, the relief. No more waiting, no more wondering. And for a moment, everything was calm.

Des: I slipped up, okay?
Mary: Not okay. When did this happen?
Des: Today. I'm an idiot. I'm sorry.
Mary: Why? What triggered it?
Des: I'm an addict. I don't need a trigger. Everything's a trigger.

Grady: Do you think our past dictates our future? Everything that's happened in our lives has brought us to this moment here, you asking me to help you kill people?
Mary: That would be the past dictating the present, and no, I think we have more control than that.

You know what I do when I have a bad dream? I go right back to sleep or the monsters win.

Mary: I have a favour to ask you.
Annie: A favour for you is like the kiss of death.

Mary: I want to take you somewhere.
Jess: You know you can't just take me out of class because you decided to just take a stab at being a mother today.

Des: Did I order you?
Annie: No, Mary did.

Des: I don't know if I'm hallucinating or dying, but either way, I like the view. Hello, Angel.
Annie: It's Annie. And you look exactly like I thought you would.
Des: Dashing.
Annie: Depraved.

Annie: I have financial goals.
Des: How much do you have so far? Come on, I'm not going to rob you. It's too much work.

Mary Kills People Quotes

Mary: Y'know, sometimes I don't know if you're a compassionate doctor or a serial killer
Des:... says the woman who just smothered a man with a pillow

We're afraid because we don't know what to expect.... but just because there's uncertainty doesn't mean that there's anything to fear
