You'll come with me and Bill, we'll go as a triumvirate!!

Libby [to Virginia]

Betty: Most of the time it's a mental block. Guy feels lousy about himself, guy feels guilty about his wife, or his mother, or he's got a thing for farm animals or whatever but you're still stuck with the same problem: how to get it up so he can finish off and get out.

Our new mission here is not simply to observe, it's also to hear.


Nature doesn't always have to have the last word.


I was looking forward to taking care of you tonight.

Bill [to Virginia]

Lester: It's a really nice offer and everything, but if you wanted to let me know I was doing a good job, some extra cash at Christmas would be great.
Bill: This isn't a bonus, it's an opportunity to participate in the work.

Impotence is the working girl's bread and butter, am I right Kitty?


We are clearing the way for her to have intercourse that she is psychologically unprepared for.


What things have we told ourselves that make it possible to do what we do in this room?


Past is past. You can't change it, you can poke at it and prod it but you cannot change it. So you move on, do your best.


Babies are my stock and trade so let's focus on that, shall we?


Women fake orgasms, maybe all of em. Although I haven't checked my clipboard lately
