Dody: What did the note say?
Bill: What does it matter now?
Dody: Because I want to know if I might have had an entirely different life with a different man. Did you ask me a question in that letter, Billy?
Bill: I did.
Dody: I would have said yes.

Come on, you have to admit we've been treated terribly at this clinic. Our talents have been overlooked and undermined by a lounge singer with a degree in typing.


Maybe the next woman who wants to love you, you'll be brave enough to let her.


Virginia: How many times did I make you feel this way?
Bill: Once or twice or a thousand times.
Virginia: I'm so sorry.

Libby: The idea of standing up in front of a judge, even in small claims court is...
Keller: Intoxicating.
Libby: Completely. Have you... have you ever heard of a woman my age taking classes or going back to school?
Keller: It's not common, but there's not much about you that is.

We have the chance to go someplace where nobody knows us, where we don't have friends or colleagues who think of us as swingers. We can make a fresh start, the two of us together at our own clinic.


I believe in the science, just like I'm glad there's a polio vaccine, but I wouldn't want to be the rat that tried it first. Listen to me, throw that away. You don't know what's real, and what's a performance when there's someone watching. Doing it behind the glass, it changes you.


What is it that we're hiding, exactly? You don't have a wife anymore, Bill. I don't have a husband. We've just gotten so used to keeping secrets that we've forgotten that we don't have to anymore.


We only feel like ourselves... we only know who we are... when we feel worthless.


Louise: You're asking me to trade one form of punishment for another.
Bill: How do you know it'll be any worse than what you have now?
Louise: I don't. I don't, but at some point you got to make a choice. I choose to stay.

It's not that I even want to leave him. I don't. I just... I need to know that I can. I need to know that there's a door leading out, even if I never go.


Well, the happiest occasion on Earth is a wedding. It's the one thing that gives us all hope.
