To really anticipate someone’s needs, that’s a rare thing.


Maybe someday someone he shares a passion with, will have more to offer him than his wife.

Libby [about Bill]

William: She couldn’t spell anesthesia.
Virginia: I can’t spell anesthesia!

You’d be surprised at the number of subjects who’ve admitted to losing their virginity in the backseat of cars.


Aren’t you worried leaving me alone in your home? I’ll snoop. The minute you’re out that door, I’m go through every drawer in the house, every coat pocket.

Vivian [to Ethan]

Masters of Sex Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

You’d be surprised at the number of subjects who’ve admitted to losing their virginity in the backseat of cars.


Aren’t you worried leaving me alone in your home? I’ll snoop. The minute you’re out that door, I’m go through every drawer in the house, every coat pocket.

Vivian [to Ethan]