Eric: Kensi will be back in the field. I'm sure of it.
Deeks: Thanks, man.
Eric: No, Deeks. I'm serious. Do you know how I know Kensi will be back in the field? Because I'm in the field. If you'd have said I'd be out here, interrogating people, throwing grenades, carrying a gun, if you'd have said that three years ago, I'd have said impossible. But you guys helped me, supported me, and that's what you're doing for Kensi. So yeah, she'll be back.

It's a close one. Gotta go to the judges. And by unanimous decision, it's give-em-hell Nell.


I wasn't able to save Clara, but I was able to save her son. Time for you to finish what she started.

Hetty [to Garrison]

Nell: I just think of our guys as indestructible. I think about how cool it is to be a special agent, and then something like this happens, and suddenly you realize how quickly it can come to an end.
Eric: Kinda makes you want to stay in Ops, huh?
Nell: Kinda, yeah.

I don't forgive you, and I don't know that I ever will.

Callen [to Garrison]

Roberta: Is it too early for a drink?
Julia: I like the way you think.
Roberta: You're a good mom. I can tell.
Julia: You too.
Roberta: Let's go.

Keeping family secrets to protect your loved ones, that's pretty much what your dad did to you, and everyone else in his life.

Hanna [to Callen]

Get her [Hetty] some damn tea. Make it strong And get her some Scotch too. I want her awake and I want her talking.


Hanna: How'd you beat us here?
Hetty: I took a shortcut.
Deeks: That's called a sidewalk.

In fact, if it were up to me, your trial would look like something straight out of Salem, the only difference being those poor women were innocent.

Duggan [to Hetty]

Hanna: And you're sure Garrison is in Santa Barbara?
Callen: If Garrison had done this, there wouldn't be any bodies.

Admiral Hollace Kilbride: And, what am I supposed to tell Congressman Thomas?
Hetty: Tell him, I think he's an ass.
Kilbride: Keep me informed.