Deeks: This is temporary, we just gotta make a couple calls and -
Granger: Don't make any more promises you can't keep.

Is that a trick question? That sounds like a trick question.

Deeks [to Rogers]

Sam: Enough of the rhyming. I hate rhyming.
Frankie: Suppression of our culture, it is.

I didn't know how to help her.


I remember when you could disarm a bomb before it exploded. Of course, you were younger then.

Callen [to Sam]

Pietra: Who are you?
Sabatino: I'm just a boy in front of a girl about to eat a burrito.

In my experience, the past is a place to learn from, not to live in.

Kilbride [to Callen]

What kind of body armor is that and where do we get it?


Progress is fine, but equality would be better.

Kensi [to Deeks]

Banuelos: Mr. Dill, do you like to fish?
Callen: Not too much. The smell makes me a little queasy.

Turk: That's not how this goes.
Nasar: How does it go?

I just -- I got mixed emotions about it.
