Tony: I can't stay here.
Gibbs: We know that.
Tony: If that's Ziva, I gotta go.
Gibbs: We know. McGee, get him a plane.

Doctor: The bullets narrowly missed his spine but still cause significant nerve damage.
Emily: Are you saying he's paralyzed?
Doctor: Nothing permanent. We anticipate problems with his right arm and leg. He faces extensive rehab, and there'll be tough times ahead, I'm afraid..
Emily: [crying] Been there, done that.
Gibbs: Nothing he can't handle.

Vance: Gibbs. Where's Agent DiNozzo.
Gibbs: Headed to Israel.
McGee: His plane leaves in a few hours.
Abby: What is it, director?
Vance: I just got a call, from Tel Aviv.

Abby: Hey Tony.
McGee: Vance got a call.
Tony: Ziva. Are we sure?
McGee: I'm so sorry, Tony.

Orli: Actually, I'm here for a much more important reason. Something far more personal. Bring in Tali.
Vance: Wasn't that Ziva's sister?
Orli: Her namesake, yes.
Tony: Whose namesake?
Orli: You may have heard there was one survivor pulled from the farmhouse. Her room was in a corridor not destroyed by the fire. Tali is Ziva's daughter. And your daughter, Tony.

Tony: If I had known she was pregnant, I would have been there in a second.
Orli: Which is precisely why she didn't tell you. She didn't want to disrupt your life any more than she already had.
Tony: That was not her decision to make.
Orli: You know better than anyone how fiercely independent Ziva was. She did not need a man to complete her. She was quite comfortable and confidant raising Tali on her own.
Tony: Without ever telling me.

Ducky: First Ziva, and now a child?
Gibbs: Not a typical day.

Palmer: Hey, are you coming back to work?
Tony: Of course I am. Why wouldn't I/
Palmer: I don't know. You're a single dad now, Tony. An agent in the line of fire. Wasn't sure you'd want to juggle.

[smiling] Tobias. You look awful.


Tony: I loved her, Tim.
McGee: I know you did.

Tali: Eema.
Tony Senior: What does that mean? Eema?
Tony: Hebrew. Means mother, mom.
Tali: [pointing at Tony in photo] Abba.
Tony: Tali, what did you say?
Tali: [points at Ziva] Eema. [points at Tony] Abba.
Tony: Abba?
Tony Senior: Daddy.
Tony: Ziva must have told her. She knows me. That's right, Tali.

Gibbs: Freeze!
Kort: Old friends, and new. But not the one I expected.
Tony: I'm here.
Kort: DiNozzo. I had no idea she'd be in the farmhouse. You know that.
Tony: Do I?
Kort: There's nothing personal. Strictly business.
McGee: It is personal. It's Ziva.
Tony: She was my family.

NCIS Season 13 Quotes

Franks: All the sawbones in the world...and you get Chuckles the Clown. I'll be this guy's a hoot at parties.
Gibbs: Shut up, Mike.

McGee: Gibbs was shot.
Ducky: Shot?
McGee: Twice. Point blank range. Luke Harris.