Regina: What makes you think you know me so well.
Robin Hood: Well for one thing I'd be charred to a crisp right now if I didn't.

I think I would remember if my mother told me she had a lovechild with the Scarecrow.


Regina: This isn't the wild west.
Zelena: No dear. It's the wicked west.

Didn't you learn anything from the last time you screwed this up?


Well right now I have better things to do than to gossip about boys.


Hook: Perhaps I could talk to him.
Emma: About what, leather conditioner and eye liner?

Emma: I almost married a monster from Oz. It's hilarious.
Neal: I almost married a minion of my evil grandfather, Peter Pan so I know what you're saying.

You think you can take down the Wicked Witch with sticks.


Robin: I thought you were the Wicked Witch.
Regina: And I thought you were a flying monkey.

That son of his. Dumber than a box of hair.


I love him. All of him. Even the parts that belong to the darkness.


She invaded my space. When I return the favor I'm not pulling any punches.


Once Upon a Time Season 3 Quotes

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.


Regina: This isn't the wild west.
Zelena: No dear. It's the wicked west.