Mr. Overholt [haughtily]: But as I suppose, as we're only 250 leagues from Jamaica now, it can be done. How many casks will you require?
Claire: How many men would you like me to save?

Fergus: Milady will be safe, Milord. I'm sure of it. You told me it's impossible or her to get the disease, non?
Jamie: There's more than disease aboard that ship, lad. There are three hundred men.

I lost her once, Fergus. I canna lose her again.


Fergus: Non. I love her, too, Milord, but --
Jamie: What good are you, you damn fool?

Jamie: I see I was right to withhold my blessing from you. Proves ye dinna ken what love is.
Fergus: You do not mean that, Milord. How could you say that?
Jamie: Because if you did, ye would move heaven and earth. You would risk arrest and death. Even hell. You would do it as easily as...the prick of a pin. Ye'd set me free from this cell to help me rescue the woman I love from her kidnappers. Until ye risk all, ye canna speak of love.

Elias: Is there a secret to it?
Claire: Secret?
Elias: Remaining so calm in the face of so much death.

Claire: Half the men on this fucking ship are dying of typhoid, and this bloody fool has almost drank himself to death on the alcohol I need to stop the goddamn fever from spreading! [pause as the men look stunned] I'm sorry, Mr. Pound. Didn't mean to offend your tender ears.
Elias: Oh, I've heard many such things before, madam, but not from a gentlewoman.

Jamie: What are you doing, lass?
Marsali: Just give him your word. And he'll set you free. You canna see what he's done for you, can ye?
Jamie: Raines?
Marsali: No, Fergus.
Jamie: What Fergus did, he did for you.
Marsali: If you believe that, you dinna deserve to be let out of here.

Outlander Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Fergus: Milady will be safe, Milord. I'm sure of it. You told me it's impossible or her to get the disease, non?
Jamie: There's more than disease aboard that ship, lad. There are three hundred men.

Mr. Overholt [haughtily]: But as I suppose, as we're only 250 leagues from Jamaica now, it can be done. How many casks will you require?
Claire: How many men would you like me to save?