Jamie: Lord John. I didn't account you to be among Mistress MacDonald's many admirers.
John: It should come as no surprise. I have a particular fondness for reformed Jacobites.

The last time I sent a man to River Run, you bought him a print shop in New Bern, and I lost a son.


Jamie: You know, I've never lived without allegience, wittingly or not, to laird or king.
Claire: I know. The tide has turned. Our allegieence now is, it's to this new nation.

Ian: She whose hearth I share?
Kaheroton: She lives.
Ian: And my child?

My son, by the ceremony that was preformed today, every drop of white blood has been washed from your veins. You are adopted into our great family. You are flesh of our flesh, bone of our bone. You have nothing to fear from us. We will love you and defend you as we love and defend one another. Hence forth, you will be called Okwaho'rohtsi'ah, Wolf's Brother. [whooping and celebration]

Mohawk Chief

Emily got with child again. I was good at that part.


Kwiskwa: This wife you have. Did you pay a great deal for her?
Jamie: She cost me almost everything I had. She was worth it.

You turned my wife against me. Ye stole her hand. Let's hear that story around the fire, shall we? How you saw one man's happiness and wanted it for yourself?


Come. We shall ask my daughter to look for yours in heaven. I ken she will find her there.


Jamie: The women in my family are those who see in dreams what is to come. Both my wife and my daughter have seen something concerning your people, though it grieves me to tell you. Some 60 years from now, your people will be taken from their land, from the bones of their ancestors. They'll be removed to a, a new place far from here. Many will die on this journey, so much that the path they tread will be called, um, the trail where they wept.
Kwiskwa: Who will do this?
Jamie: A man named Winfield Scott, my daughter says, a general.
Kwiskwa: It is good you have given us the weapons, then.
Jamie: No. Twenty muskets against 20,000? It wilna save you.
Kwiskwa: What is the benefit of your warning, then?
Jamie: I canna warn many. If I did, they would call me a madman. But I can warn you. You should not go to this new place or fight. But when the time comes, your people must hide.
Kwiskwa: And by hiding, they will escape what is to come?
Jamie: I hope so. If you pass this warning to your descendants, then perhaps they will escape and live.
Kwiskwa: I will tell my sons and my sons' sons, but we will remember.
Jamie: Whoever you fight for, be it King George's men or our enemies, fight for yourselves.

Fergus: I am the man of this house!
Marsali: Well, then you can come back when you're actin' like one. You promised me, Fergus Fraser! And I will have a whole man or none at all.

Germain: See! I told you he wasn't a demon.
Boy: Is it true, what Mr. MacKenzie said about the bairn belonging to the Lord?
Jamie: I certainly wouldn't argue about what Mr. MaKenzie said about that. But whoever else he belongs to, Henri-Christian belongs to me. Best ye all remember it.

Outlander Quotes

Sex was our bridge back to one another. The one place where we always met. Whatever obstacles presented themselves during the day or night, we could seek out and find each other again in bed. As long as we had that, I had faith that everything would work out.

Claire voiceover about Frank

The war had taught me to cherish the present because tomorrow might not ever come to pass. What I didn’t know at the time was that tomorrow would prove less important than yesterday.
